Originally Posted by Unregistered
Thanks again for the insightful response! Wish we could pin this for others who may have similar questions.
One more question: Heard SG Drs work 80-100 hrs/wk. Can't be true in a polyclinic setting, right? What if I have to apply to MOHH for an MO job? Would that mean I'd have to go through MOPEX with rotas of 80-100 hrs/wk (with allowances/stipend), at least until I secure a polyclinic placement?
Depends on your rotation
The problem is juniors have to come pre round so U can present to seniors when they turn at at 8am
Depends on how zai you are, U can come how late.
I'm a complete noob and struggle in my gen med posting
So I go in v early at 530 to 6 am to clerk patient and get my story correct
But by 9 or 10am usually finish rounding liao. Then go lim kopi
Finish changes can chill.
Usually lunch onwards quite slack de ma
430pm do exit and whatever minimal changes
Try to leave by 530pm.
To me, the hardest part is getting to work early every day and stressed over the previous day admits
Weekend burnt with calls and rounding
But overall the work stress is lower just not much of hours outside of work
Polyclinic different challenge.
Patient load and congitive load v high.
Your 8 hours in office U are always seeing patients
Complex demanding ones. Go home brain fried.
Admittedly now after a bit laojiao not as bad and not everyday brain fried
When I was a trainee, we rotate to gp land for a while.
Work there is a breeze compared to ops man
Go home still got energy and mental strength left to study and go exercise