Originally Posted by Unregistered
Aiyo, you are definitely not a teacher. When I WFH during CB, I was taking more than 3 hour lunch breaks. My lessons ended by 10.30am, and everything else for the rest of the day was just waiting for SLS homework to roll in. Other than compo, I didn't have to mark anything.
Yes I am sure there are many companies out there that provides flexibility. But there's always a caveat. No businessman is going to waste money. Soon, those people will find themselves out the door. Just look at Lazada, Facebook, Google etc. They realised they over hired and paid overly obscene salary. So now the trend is about streamlining cost and becoming lean for the sake of survival (and investors).
Yes lah circuit breaker was the time we could wfh but when are we gonna have circuit breaker again. I mean like now, everything’s back to normal for us whereas in many other industries wfh is the new norm. Not saying their jobs are easy just because they get to stay at home but the flexibility helps a lot especially for working parents with kids.