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  #10635 (permalink)  
Old 21-03-2024, 11:27 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Got 3.5 months meh? Let's count.

Assuming you are a normal teacher with no appointments, and excluding weekends:

March hols - 4 or 5 days
June hols - 10 days
Sep hols - 5 days
Nov-Dec hols - 4.5 weeks (23 days)

Best case scenario...43 days, and not inclusive of school-only holidays like Children's Day, Youth Day, Post-National Day.

Ok lah, the post about non-teaching jobs having better leave perks kinda debunked at this stage. WFH? All Secondary schools are doing it now on a weekly basis. It's the Primary schools that aren't doing WFH.

In the private sector, WFH is still working albeit at your own time (depending on your jobscope). From what I noticed about my friends and family who WFH...the only perk is being at home and having longer lunch breaks. I don't know, maybe you know someone who does absolutely minimal work or nothing on WFH days. If so, then that company will be retrenching very soon.
Let's be more detailed. 43 days plus Teacher's Day, Children's Day, Youth Day, Day after 47 days excluding weekends.

That adds up to 9+ weeks or 2+ months of holidays leh. How are 18 and 21 days of annual leave comparable? On top of that, teachers can take urgent paid leave for important life events. Anyone who hasn't done the math and has been teaching at least 1 year, can feel that the teaching profession accords a lot of rest time between terms. When I first joined the teaching profession and when it was the hols, my colleagues told me that teachers all travel during the holidays because got too many holidays and holidays are paid. OMG, it was a mind-blowing thought for me as I was in the private sector for almost 10 years before.

Bottomline, teaching isn't lucrative especially if you are just a normal teacher. But you are guaranteed a decent standard of living if you manage your finances well. More than half my colleagues live in condominiums and landed property. I'd say about three quarters. I think that speaks volume about the profession. So stop devaluing the profession and making people think that teachers are poor folks who teach because they can't and have to suck it up and suffer a bad job.

Have some pride or get out.

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