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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 14-11-2008, 07:14 PM
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Default 3257

I see where you're coming from skeptic. But doctors and soccer players differ in terms of scalability.

Adam Khoo explains this well in his book Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires--in it he uses an example of a heart surgeon vs. Madonna. For a heart patient, it's obvious that what the surgeon can do is many, many times more valuable than what Madonna's songs can do for him.

But a surgeon can only heal one patient at a time. Madonna can make millions feel good listening to her music. She _scales_ a lot better than a heart surgeon.

Same goes to teachers vs. racecar drivers. When you said the BEST TEACHER in the world, you're thinking about somebody who's really good at teaching, but teaching one class at a time. Therefore, just like the heart surgeon, he is limited because he cannot scale further.

But let's expand the concept of teacher a bit beyond those who teach within the academic walls. Let's pick Anthony Robbins. He teaches people, but most importantly, he SCALES like nobody's business. The amount of money he generates from one of his seminars would probably take an NUS professor, say, 15 years of hard work and saving?

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