Not bashing a certain segment but I am wondering if there's any recent JLCs (like post 2020 recent) with a polytechnic background? Saw a few from TP Law >
NUS/Cambridge on LinkedIn but that's about it and they served their JLC stints nearly 10 years ago? This is highly commendable and respectable considering the smaller intake of JLCs in yesteryears.
A quick check on google indicates that there are a few from NP,RP,SP and TP currently pursuing law at the local universities (excluding SUSS, that school comprises mainly polytechnic graduates who cmi to the other two/not willing to pursue a law degree in the UK..) Where do these students train at after law school? International, Big 4 or Mid-Tier firms? I thought that there would be more representation with the liberalisation of the admission regime for
SMU law for polytechnic graduates.
Do polytechnic graduates, despite shattering the concrete ceiling, usually end up getting outclassed by their JC peers at the local universities? Apart from the said polytechnic JLCs, I have not seen any other polytechnic students graduating with a FCH/SCL or high MCL (>3.75) from
SMU. Is this indicative that a polytechnic education poorly equips students for subsequent legal education?