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  #4698 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2023, 09:10 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If u think about the intention of secondments between Ministries/Statboards or transferring between department within the Ministry, it's purpose is to allow officers to gain exposure in all aspect of the Ministry work. This trains the officer to be an all rounder, allow the officer to experience different roles, or even in another domain when seconded to other Ministry. This is what they call grooming officers to have WOG (Whole-of-Government) competencies and to improve ur domain knowledge so u will become more deployable within the entire public service.

Thus, if u have only been in ur current role for 6 month, it can be hard to justify for a transfer/secondment because your bosses will say that u have not even spent enough time in ur current role, why wanna move on?

Unless u choose to be honest, i.e to tell ur boss this current role the jobscope is not for u, its too challenging, etc whatever reason. Then maybe it can be up for discussion but then again, it indirectly displays your lack of drive and resilience. I would advise if u want to stay in the service, tahan till 1 year at least before requesting for secondment/transfer.

Otherwise, in the meantime, just hang in there while u look for a private job outside, jump when opportunity comes.
when going for longer secondments like 2 years, how will the PB and merit increment work? will there still be any of those? or will your salary be stagnant throughout secondment?
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