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  #456 (permalink)  
Old 27-01-2023, 09:50 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hmmm to protect the identity of my friend, i wont reveal the exact period he/she left, all i can say is not very long. He/she worked barely few months. According to my friend, tesa has super high turn over rate because the culture and the boss is toxic. The demoralization can be felt within weeks you are there because the boss has anger management issue and has the habit of "name and shame" you infront of internal and external parties. It just makes one feel so super unappreciated after long hours of working. People can't wait to leave for the sake of their mental well-being? In my point of view, i am actually quite shocked when my friend told me about such bosses because i thought such era should have long gone? And working in public service before we have a code of conduct to follow and i seriously doubted the capability of HR getting rid of such bosses.

Many people i spoke to agree that imda in general is working super long hours and is common to work past mid night because directions keep changing and so are the working document (e.g. PowerPoint) that is required to be submitted or presented to the management. It is all about amending papers and ppt to what the bosses would like it to be. The way my friend spoke about it makes me feel like, everyone is required to be a marketeer.
This horrible man is still in IMDA until today. HR obviously close eyes, close ears and close mouth.
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