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  #451 (permalink)  
Old 26-01-2023, 05:55 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
To be fair, there is at least a 5th thing. Some Ds die die don't want to listen and keep insisting on their way, writing stuff that LCH doesn't want, or making things unnecessarily complex and with jargon when LCH doesn't like longwinded sentences and just wants people to get to the point. When LCH bui tahan already and summon you for whiteboarding then if you're down on your luck you become the scapegoat.

If you end up in the situation where your D and LCH can't see eye to eye, better to quit than be the ping pong ball tossed around between them.
Sometimes the people below him make things even more difficult

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