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  #5482 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2022, 03:13 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Should I try for accenture diploma graduate?

Basically ORD-ing in 2 weeks with computer engineering diploma (3.1GPA) from SP.

I've been doing quite a bit of web development courses and personal projects to keep my skills sharp during NS but still not confident on whether I am job ready.

I had offer from NTU comp engineering but because of my ORD date I decided to take 1 year to work and was wondering if Accenture diploma-graduate program was something I should go for?

Other than the program, people kept telling me to find MNC as my first company and I'm getting overwhelmed on what type of company I should find as my first job and how I should go about finding it?

My criteria is that I am not really worried about pay difference, but more on guidance and whether I would get shunned for being a diploma-grad trying to work in an MNC Tech company.

Would love some advice. Thank you!

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