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Old 06-04-2012, 01:32 PM
cslee cslee is offline
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cslee is on a distinguished road

Just put simply, build up an excellent working relationship with your boss to get noticed.

Originally Posted by shaz View Post
CEP is somewhat complex to explain as it involves many factors.I'll try my best to explain it anyway:

CEP is what management expects of you when you reach retirement age. If an officer starts work at entry-level MSO Grade V at the age of 24, the officer's CEP would usually be 2 grades higher... meaning, the officer will reach MSO Grade III at retirement age. CEP remains largely the same unless officer displays outstanding potential in the course of his work.

MSO, being a Division 2 officer would be graded with other MSOs within the same Division and grade... ranking of CEP is done AFTER ranking officer's grade... Here's an example:

Step 1: Management looks at 3 reportees' profile. Ignore CEP for now.
Officer A: Age 26, MSO Grade V, super on the ball, involved in many projects
Officer B: Age 40, MSO Grade VI, efficient, +ve attitude, involved in few projects
Officer C: Age 55, MSO Grade VI, efficient, bocap attitude, did not involve in projects

Step 2: Management ranks officers according to performance grade
MSO Grade V:
Officer A only, rank #1, grade B

MSO Grade IV:
Officer B, rank #1, grade B
Officer C, rank #2, grade C-

Step 3: Management rank officers' CEP. Ignore Grade
Officer A: Age 26, MSO Grade V, CEP given: MSO Grade III
Officer B: Age 40, MSO Grade VI, CEP given: MSO Grade II
Officer C: Age 55, MSO Grade VI, CEP given: MSO Grade III

Step 4: Management ranks officers' CEP.
Rank 1: Officer B: Age 40, MSO Grade VI, CEP given: MSO Grade II
Rank 2: Officer A: Age 26, MSO Grade V, CEP given: MSO Grade III
Rank 3: Officer C: Age 55, MSO Grade VI, CEP given: MSO Grade III

If there is a situation when officers are of the same age-band, same grade, same work abilities... then we'll use their earlier performance grading to rank them for CEP...if they have the same performance grade, then we just toss a coin... lol...

DONE!!! Imagine when you have 200 officers... this ranking exercise can be a nightmare and could take several days to complete... do note that CEP is kept secret from the officer. For MX Scholars, they typically have a CEP of Superscale H or MX9 when they're at MX13, MX12, MX11. When they reach MX10, their CEP may be adjusted to Superscale G or higher depending on his age and abilities...

At the end of the day, pray hard that your boss fights for you during ranking exercise
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