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  #4310 (permalink)  
Old 26-10-2022, 12:55 PM
Posts: n/a

Just curious, is it more tiring to be FP in polyclinic or just a average gp outside?

Average gp outside see more patients/hr, hours longer, but don't need think too much. When encountering complex cases, can always say we have limited blood tests/xr/formulary available and refer (or ask them go polyclinic). Target audience seems to be the mc seekers, pre employment checks for foreign workers, asymptomatic screening etc.

Ops hours better, see less patients/hr, but tend to see more chronics, cases need to think more in general. Also coz ops got more resources available (xr/ same day labsl/ assess to nehr etc) means must do and think more. Also will kena arrowed to do qi/audits projects every now and then.
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