Originally Posted by Unregistered
Hi I am currently taking accountancy from private Uni(Sim-Rmit), From what I understand I need to start from Mid tier ? cuz my Cert too cui but at the same time I saw some thread say big 4 got alot of private Uni. Which department got highest chance to go into for mid tier and big 4? U all think my cert got chance? And Big 4 is better than mid tier right if can go in?
Big 4 hires lots of malaysians from UNIVERSITI TENGU ABDUL RAHAM or MULTIMEDIA UNIVERSITI. U think SIM RMIT is worse than them meh?
U dont need brains to do audit. Basic pre-requisite is to be willing to work like a dog for dog-biscuit pay. Tax maybe need more brains, thats y u see fewer jhks.