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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #17436 (permalink)  
Old 08-08-2022, 06:56 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am a big 4 NQ who is getting called in August , doing litigation.

I am wondering whether anybody else is doing mundane and tedious work like list of documents, standardize formatting and reviewing documents for typos, change spelling from american english to british english, standarize terms etc etc which are pretty low level imo.

I heard from my friend in UK, his firm has a team to do all these low level work. Like a team on call24/7 that do basically any document review and formatting. For example, you can send them a PDF and a spreadsheet with info for 200 investors, and you say “please recreate this PDF in Word, add margin of 30mm, then prep a copy for each of the 200 investors with their corresponding info, and send back the results in both Word and PDF” and they’ll work all night to get it to you. Then in the morning, 8am, they will get it out for you.

I read the CJ is asking for greater use of technology and its transformation in the industry. Perhaps for a start, local law firms can look into having a dedicated team to do these low level work?

So it is pretty good because I am going to be a real lawyer, and I am not supposed to do all these low level work.
Local law firms won't do it. They would rather bill out the client at the associate rate doing low level mundane work. It brings in so much more money.

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