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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 22-03-2012, 09:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post
i think you first need to read the postings carefully to understand the evolution of this discussion before spouting all these. I wasn't the one who started talking about copulas. By analogies i meant simple things like default risk and risk free rate. Yes we talk about this at work everyday. And if you can't differentiate between the nature of work of private equity professionals (mainly valuation of equity investments with no need for much math) then you ought to keep quiet. I wasn't even talking to you in the first place. And i got into this to defend the worth and benefits of being directors in the service.
I left a Stat Board many years ago for the finance industry and have been very successful. Unfortunately, I have interviewed and even hired civil servants like you who go out there with your civil service mindset, technocrat approach to problems and generally unforgiving nature. Let me tell you that it doesn't work. Except for a very small minority of quants with PhDs in physics, math and finance, being out in the finance industry is largely about EQ , while years in the civil service works to destroy that. To succeed outside, you have to think out of the box, be controversial, tell stories, be funny. Basically, forget all the training to serve your Minister well and not screw anything up. Forget about MX scales, increments and all that garbage as everything is about the next bonus. To succeed, you need an unstructured life, where you give up your friends, work 18 hours a day, fly all over the world meeting people and promoting things that you created. Its about you now, not the minister. Lastly, I find that people who leave the service before 30 are generally OK. 30-35 have trouble adapting, but many still have the energy. Over 35, they tend to be fixed in their mindset and usually don't work out.
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