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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 18-03-2012, 03:23 PM
Posts: n/a

I realise that I did bark at the wrong tree, we need risk-averse people like you to be in civil service. Even armed with financial engineering, you are still convinced of your risk-free returns is better than risk-adjusted returns in MNCs. Looks like you should have studied masters of public adminstration.
Perhaps I should be thankful, we need people like you to maintain the current bureaucratic regime, while the bold, the entrepreneurial risk-taker conquer the world.

Talking about applying your financial engineering skills, perhaps you should solve this problem of default probability using gaussian copula function to model the risk of Nth to default (p/s : you need a super-computer to solve this, because there are thousands of reference entities, skewed stochastic vol curve, and since this is long-dated, forward interest rates are stochastic too!)


Its jokers like you who are losers.
If you are good, you can make your point using simple english. No need to strut your stuff around.
In your next thread, you even allude to the other party being sacked soon...not cool.
I suggest something to you in simple lingo- go improve on your EQ.
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