Originally Posted by Unregistered
Can I ask a genuine question regarding tax for locums. I have just joined the locum gp land few months back.
Some of the clinics that I locum in pay via Cash (usually the small family clinics in the neighborhood unlike the large chain groups)
- when I mean cash, I also include those that pay via bank transfer like paynow at the end of the shift. (I e the clinic owner/anchor just paynow me my pay at the end of the shift)
Do I need to declare these cash payments for tax? Given that this is a bank transfer between 2 parties with no cpf involved, how does iras track it?
Then it’s like those private home tuition teacher earn cash but all never declare lor... later when buy big ticket item they check your official salary don’t match will question where you get your money then IRAS will come knocking on your door. That one is tax evasion, not avoidance alr, prepare to go inside and squat