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Old 29-03-2022, 11:49 AM
Blueberry Blueberry is offline
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Originally Posted by Lurker View Post
Managed to get quite a good amount of interviews for the past 6 mths and the last 3 interviews being big mncs and a big local startup.... still no luck in getting a job.

coming to 3 years soon of being jobless. i guess it's the end for me already. Got forced to resign by my ex company in late 2018. Jobless for 6 mths until a company poached me and got hired, thinking I was 'saved'. Company turned out to be a hellhole that I've seen newcomers walk out of the office 2 hours after they joined. Left after 3 months and have been jobless since. I took up some freelance and part-time in between but the money is good enough for my meals for a few months.

i try not to update my situation to my close friends cos everytime they ask about it, they would say 'try another industry, don't always apply to the same kind of job'. When you tell them you have tried other industries, they tell you 'you never apply enough'. I'd rather not say anything cos they have a job, they don't know what it's like to be jobless.

Who is also in the same boat as me?
In my addition to my previous post, to say your friends do not know what it is like to be jobless is not accurate. People don't born to have a job waiting for them when they grow up. Sure they did experience a jobless gap before they land themselves in their current job.

To say they don't know how it is like to be jobless for soooo long like you and that is true.

So the qn is why are you jobless for soooooooooooo long ?

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