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  #6417 (permalink)  
Old 21-03-2022, 10:29 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hello fellow junior,

I have interned in both roles you have mentioned. Depending on whether you are a number-kind of person, because when doing an audit internship, of course you need to have some form of basic excel skills on hand, if not you are going to have a hard time. Audit is all about tieing the numbers here there and everywhere (not kidding).

As for digital trust, it mostly deals with internal controls (eg. testing on application controls and their IT policies), reviewing regulations on tech, which are more on the reporting side. Culture wise, no doubt that blue is better.

Oh yes, working hours are slightly varied as well as I don't OT much in digital trust and compared to audit internship.

Lastly, you would want to ask yourself whether you want to dive in as audit associate or other advisory roles in big 4 once you graduate? Because I knew audit wasn't for me when i interned, so i leveraged on the digital trust experience that i had that led to getting into other functions in big 4 as my full-time role.

Hope this helps!
Can teach me how to land a job in big4 anot. Cpa and atp here. No ppl want hire me or offer always low ball me.
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