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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #15393 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2022, 07:44 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Visit r/antiwork. So many resignation and attrition issues can be solved with simply paying more and/or giving less work. But of course the fat cats won't consider that unless their hands are forced.
It's also about the hearsay mistreatment of juniors. This has remained largely unaddressed, if true, which I do not comment on. If these hearsay rumours are in fact true, I don't think a pledge is sufficient. The pledge's existence appears to confirm that there are such instances.

It shouldn't be an embarrassment to acknowledge the working conditions of juniors. Australia has done it expressly in their professional conduct rules and it is generally acknowledged that bullying is commonplace in barrister circles, with 33% saying that they have been subject to bullying. 1 in 3 barristers confidentially surveyed said they have been the victim of bullying, Oxbridge grads included.

We can do better. I accept that this is par for the course to some extent in a high pressure environment and people under stress are not the most reasonable - we are all flawed, but if these stories were true, I do hope we make some changes towards a better profession. Don't pass the buck and say "take the pain now and dish it out later". Times are changing but the disconnect between seniors and juniors appears to be widening.

To the powers that be - I say this with the best of intentions and I have no dog in this fight. Don't just be the change you want to see in the world, drive that change for the benefit of all.

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