Originally Posted by Unregistered
Sounds like a bully instead of a boss. Some people are good in academics and their work but they have very very bad social skills. Their "jokes" tend to be hurtful or be sarcastic which to them might be funny. To be funny, make others laugh, not yourself.
Yeah, he bad news, get out asap if you are financially stable. Else, you need to hold on abit longer till you secure a job
I am that original poster. I am glad someone also feel he is a bully as I thought I might be criticised in this forum for blaming my boss.
I was being praised for my good performance in office also by this same boss. So making me stay in the company so that he can occasionally single me out to bully ? One moment I was so happy my boss recognise my effort in office then one moment feeling hurt from the verbal attack ? Gosh.