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  #3315 (permalink)  
Old 29-12-2021, 05:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
FM training spots in singapore is very hard to get. I am not ashamed to share my story. I am born and bread in Singapore, average student I will say , served my housemanship here with no issues, had good feedback from my seniors, managed to get good recommendations from HOD and bosses to apply to FM but I was rejected. I didnt get in.

Then when I saw the list of people who got in , I was shocked, in the list was my houseman who were incompetent and rather inefficent ( not just me but according to fellow colleagues as well ) , quite a fair no of Malaysians got in - I have to say polyclinic has a large no of them . It was sad that I was not given a chance to be a FM doctor and I really wanted to work in FM.

Regardless, I decided not to apply again as the system left me very dissapointed. Who regulates these decisions? How do we know there is no bias towards people with personal connections? Why isit that me and fellow friends with good feedback and testimonials didnt get in , but people with bad feedback, bad rep as HOs can get in?

Heard certain cluster used to flash names of applicants and ask their residents opinions. Is this a fair way? ( I am not sure how true this is ). I will still work in FM, get my relevant certs and strive to be a good family physician . But I have to say , if you need primary care doctors, perhaps first and foremost review the way u accept people.
Be clear , what ure looking for , dont have bias in selections.

Funnily enough , someof these " questionable" people who joined, did not sign on with polys and some left for private practise shortly thereafter once getting full cert and the postings rotations they wanted
In reality having connections is way more important than your performance when it comes to getting into residency positions or any job for that matter.
Welcome to the real world.
Be friendly and nice to as many people as you can. You never know who they may become
My guess is you may have tekkan your lousy HO? Then now he will be your senior in FM you cannot tahan that thought so wont apply.
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