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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2021, 04:10 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
just like the other guy said, what you said pretty stupid.
you are young, just go full YOLO in stock.

there are many safe bets in equity, considering SATS (at current price) and also defensive play like e.g Sheng siong.

if not simply buy into a index like S&P and you will make your money worth 20-30 years later, unless america will be down 20 years later.

nobody know where a stock will go, but think of stocks as a company like they are

the worse thing you can keep is cash, what do you want so much cash for? the value of it depricate every year, if u want to be extremely safe, top up CPF is a viable option too, you get compound interest.

Worst thing is to keep cash.
Worse advice ever. If one is young, greedy, inexperienced and did not do due diligence then go all in on stocks then all the money earned goes to the drain. Lots of people got burned in meme stocks and options. One even lost his life.

And cash is cool when you get retrenched. Don't be fool into thinking just because one is young one cannot be retrenched. And its also a fallacy to think you will get a job quickly if you are retrenchedeven if you are young, in todays job market.

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