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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 27-10-2011, 04:59 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by bellmiko View Post
Thanks for the positive reply!

Is it my problem or that this Company is really out to "eat" people giving such remuneration offer and working conditions?
This company, is a SME company, and my guess is that, it's a local one.

Well, most SME offer low to average pay as they are well, small to medium enterprises. They are unable to pay the rate which MNCs are offering. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the bosses themselves are struggling. Not putting the SMEs down, but it's a matter of fact that many of these SMEs put up their white flag once market conditions change and they are unable to react accordingly.

As for the interview question posed to you, no need to worry much about it because interviewers just ask anything they want to say then. It might seem too much to you but take it from me - I had attended over 30-50 interviews in my whole life and after 10-20 ones, you will know how to react to them. The interviews would be like eating mee goreng.

I had an interview before where the interview asked, "would you prefer a present to be wrapped or without wrappers?" I replied, "with wrappers." The lady said, "This means that you are someone are more concerned about the marketing than the actual content. We cannot employ you."

Just as I was walking out of the room, I overheard another interview from another room where an interviewer asked the same question. (It was a mass interview). The male interviewee replied, "I prefer my present without wrappers." Guess what the interviewer said? She said, "Sorry we cannot take you because your answer reveals that you don't appreciate the finer things of presentation..."


So don't concern yourself too much on the questions or exact words, etc then. If they want you, even if you didn't brush your teeth when you open your mouth, they will say you smell nice. If they don't want you, whatever you say would be noise to them.

As for the Sunday no OT pay thingy, it's quite common actually if your post is an executive position. Executives are not paid OT. And if you want to be duly paid for that, my advice is to apply for a MNC or govt position; unless you can find that benefit in another local SME, which I think it's not very common.

Most SME company would take this as 'calculative.'

As for the pay, you need to ask yourself whether you can learn a great deal out of it. If yes, you just pretend you are in internship. If not, you might want to consider again.
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