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Old 04-10-2011, 09:42 AM
miwashi miwashi is offline
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Default Editorial position

Can someone enlighten me on the supposed seniority level of the titles in the editorial industry?

Like the title 'editor'. Is it supposed to be the most senior or most junior in the field that deals with publications production?

This is because I have gone for a spectrum of job interviews relating to this title, and some interviewers commented that I cannot be an editor as I'm too junior, and they would rather place me as a writer. Others have told me that their 'editor' position is the most junior and reports to managing editors, editorial managers, and all other manner of permutations of the title.

I know that titles mean nothing these days (ie. I'm a 'manager' who does menial general work myself and no planning of any sort at all) but I'm interested in knowing if there's a perceived progression for this field.

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