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  #2055 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2021, 09:23 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
That roughly sums it all. My experience with the PMs there is they were always at meetings but nothing positive or productive came out of it and its final verdict is 99% the prerogative of the development teams to handle the problems themselves. Even if 1% successful was also only delaying the deadline. Those closer to the management ones will manage to wash everything off their hands and the teams below them will take the brunt of the blames.

Then the PM will miraculously be promoted in the next 1 or 2 promotion cycle.
The MNC engineer also described the same thing what.
He also depended on this global team to deliver.

Basically all this "project engineer or project manager" role are just extra only la.
Example bus interchange got bus driver going to busses to drive bus. Actual work.

And you have bus warden or crowd control just stand there to manage crowd.
When it's crowded or peak hours. Got crowd control also make no difference la.

And the fact that all this extra job are dispensable and replaceable.
And project engineer are dispensable and replaceable la.

But all this so called project engineer delusional. Thinking they are the one who "manage" the project.
More like you don't have the expertise to perform an expert job so you became a generalist project engineer la.

Ask a crowd control staff to drive a bus to help move the passenger can anot? Cannot no license.
Ask them to fix the bus so it can ferry? Cannot not technician.

In short. Project engineer are just mules to run the project. There are not the "manager" cause they don't manage it.

It's like saying I'm a time manager. Cause I manage my own time.
But the fact is whether I manage my time or don't. The time will move with or without my active participation. So can I say that I'm a time manager le?


All this "project engineer" can't do actual engineering work la. Can't design. Can't code. Can't build. Can't go. Can't maintain. Can't read manual and repair. Can't do anything but use their mouth and negotiate things like deadline, or liason or meeting.. All the pointless aspect of a project
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