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  #1942 (permalink)  
Old 22-04-2021, 03:48 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Former STE engineer here
'It is like that one lah. you have to learn to accept it. dun be a smart alec.'
When I tendered,
'you go other company can survive? what company is this? Is it stable?'
I took a paycut and went to another 2 more SME after that before I manage to join an MNC but the role I got is a downgrade because I lack experience but with good attitude and luck because they were my former customers in the SME previously whom I left a good impression. Now my pay is higher than if I stayed on in STE. I know the culture in STE sucks and full of JLB, parachutes and those who won't survive in the outside world. But just leave if you don't like the company because they won't change so no need to whine about it. I left and have no regrets.
Like you, when I left STE I had an increment that will take years in STE to match from yearly increments. I left when I feel that my learning experiences had plateaued. One issue I see with STE is that the learning experiences are very niche. Years after I joined, I am still doing the same thing in general, with variations here and there. Then again, "niche" is a word that you cannot apply because they hardly have any real subject matter experts to consult.

When I joined the new company, although it's still a multitasking role, there are much more things to learn about, like handle projects, maintain systems, perform trials for R&D products, join project tenders, etc. These are experiences that cannot be learnt in a single engineer role in STE. You need to be a PM, engineer, marketing, etc. to experience all these.

Many of those I know who left STE joined the private sector for only a short while before going back to STE or joined public service. Coincidentally, all these people excel in their studies.

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