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  #10297 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2021, 04:35 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
agree that Harry and Meghan's interview was tone-deaf in the pandemic era, where so many people in the UK & US are struggling with unemployment and being unable to avoid basic necessities. Meghan said she didn't even look Harry up on the internet - strains credulity tbh??

on Prince Harry however: IIRC, he has inherited millions of dollars (ok pounds) from Diana's estate or something, and those millions must have been invested (i assume la) so he's rich. he doesn't need support from the royal family (which must have made it a lot easier to cut ties with the institution).

as entitled and privileged and self-absorbed as they are, i still think it's quite ballsy of them to cut ties with a very powerful family and publicly say things like 'i wanted to kill myself when i was living with the royal fam' and go away to California (even tho they are still very attention seeking despite claiming to want privacy)

let's be real, if this had happened in an Asian context (e.g. Singapore), the girl would be preening on Instagram and flexing about being a 'princess', the guy would probably be talking about 'filial piety' and the importance of family and refusing to attack his family even tho his family had been racist towards his wife. and neither of them would have left the institution (and its associated funding) because money/power/prestige/status is all important in Asia. they would just have chosen to stay with the family, toxic as it was, and continued to leech off public funds and claim they are contributing to society.

at least Harry and Meghan are attempting Netflix deals and what not.

*oops autocorrect - meant to type 'unable to afford**' in first para
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