Originally Posted by Unregistered
Surely for every procedure (e.g ogd/pci) that you do, you get a premium/part of the procedure fee?
Otherwise who will stay in public sector?
Plenty of docs staying in public even There is no more pfs.
Pte sector is saturated my friend.
There is no business.
Why is that so?
1) The problem is nobody wants to pay cash for pte service.
2) And ip insurance plans dont empanel the majority of the pte doctors.
So we are surviving on a very small subset of fee paying patients.
So in the end to get empanelled by ip, you must agree to charge very low fees then ip plans will pay. Then the patients that have ip plan will come to your clinic.
3) no foreign tourist
Because of the dire situation in pte side, more ppl willing to stay to in public