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  #153 (permalink)  
Old 15-01-2021, 11:18 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Get wrecked.
My company does the same too. Yes we pay those fresh grad ridiculous 5k starting pay.
But we expect senior quality work.

The same we use the 3 months probation clause mom to terminate them if they cent perform
All this kids. Think you get a high paid job that's the end of it.

Boy, it's just a start or endless time you have to step up and prove your worth.
Can't do? Quit. We have a fresh bunch of fresh grad next year to recruit who is willing to work overtime for 5k.

And no, even Facebook or Google they terminate their staff if they breach contract like nda or take phooey o or post hate social media post. Etc.

Ours not to that degree. Just very simple.
If you can't deliver the work, get Terminated.

Your peers with average pay the company more humane.
We can't. We have high paying consumer who demand result.
We pay you high also demand result.

Get wrecked boy. Hahaha. Love it.
To be honest, all industry are like this once you pass the junior role.

Once they start to pay you as a senior role, they expect result.

It doesn't matter if the sky is going to drop, you still have to deliver the result.

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