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  #9365 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2020, 11:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Am the OP. I think you might have misunderstood what I meant by 'easy' (not your fault, it was badly phrased). I was referring to the people with the grades/CV at the top 10% of the cohort. The more selective B4 departments are just as if not more selective than the MC firms, and I was referring to the fact that there are in fact many people I know of (and it makes perfect sense why this is so) that will reject AO or CC for a B4 TC.
not sure if you're a student now but there's literally no one i know in my batch or the batches above/below who have been offered ao/cc and take b4 over them. even the most selective of b4 departments are way easier to get in. and i say this hearing from ppl with first hand experience applying to mc and b4 very recently

having grades/cv at the top 10% doesn't mean anything also. there are ppl who were offered cc/ao who are not deanslisters/expected fch and there are also those who are multiple book prize winners/deanslist every year/close to top of the batch kind who don't get mc offers. it's by no means 'easy' for anyone in any sense of that word.

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