Originally Posted by Unregistered
I know there is a sense of sarcasm in that response but I will reply nonetheless.
To clarify, I am not looking for a high/higher income. I simply want to maintain our current quality of life or know it will not be a significant decline moving to SG. I have a decent income in the 1%. Comparing to Nursing or Allied Health in SG is setting the bar very low, since they are notoriously underpaid. For comparison, my PAs & NPs makes 120k per annum working 9-5pm weekdays, with 3 weeks of paid vacation per annum and benefits (extra for weekends). How do physician incomes compare to the other non-healthcare professions in SG. Are physicians in the 1%, 5%, or 10% bracket?
You can always make the flawed argument that paying physicians "too high" of an income takes the sense of duty and empathy out of them. Are you therefore suggesting that a high income is inversely correlated with the ability to serve with their heart and empathize with the common folk? I don't mean to be combative, but this is a common, flawed argument in healthcare that non-clinical administrators use to justify their own profit margins and bonuses.
I just want to know all of my options before making the decision. Thanks.
Singaporeans in general have little respect for doctors. They view them as money grabbing greedy higher than thou mortals.
They love to see doctors make mistakes and fall from grace. They are also jealous of those who do well and make good money.
In SG generally people prefer everyone except themselves to be making the least amount of money possible.
You already have an idea of what you are getting into. I can tell you that you are making a mistake.
Your parents took painful steps to get out of the frog well. And you want to go back in.
I can almost guarantee that you will regret going back to SG. I am quite certain your wife is Singaporean or is someone who has absolutely no idea what SG is like except from reading the Straits Times.
I can only wish you all the best. If you want advice, go to another first world country. There are many. Sweden. New Zealand. Canada. Norway. Denmark. Netherlands.
good luck.
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