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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #6636 (permalink)  
Old 20-06-2020, 03:36 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
(I'm sorry, somehow it looks my initial reply was lost but lemme try again now).

Ok, maybe 'can afford it' is a misnomer. My parents (neither are lawyers) are a bit cagey about money (and they aren't lawyers), but I get the impression that they would be able to pay for it with some sacrifices. I suspect that if I go, they won't have any savings left.. which leads me to my misgivings of taking their money.

On reapplying: I can! And I plan to do it! That's also why I'm presently leaning towards NUS. Cause, in that sense, I would only be taking up the offer for a year for 'pre law training' before going to oxbridge. But of course, getting into oxbridge in 2021 is not a guarantee, and if I choose to do so (take NUS instead of LSE in 2020), LSE will probably blacklist me as a no-show in sept. But then again, taking LSE as 'pre law training' would also mean I would blow aprox 25k of my parent's hard earned money on top of the oxbridge int fees (should i get it)... Or are you suggesting I take a gap year? Although after serving NS for 2yrs I'm not sure if I would let my brain atrophy further...

On the online semester: NUS is apparently gonna go online for sem1, but LSE says that tutorials will still be F2F... so I guess that's a point for LSE?

Anyways, thank you for taking the time!
No. If you dont know what you want to do, and your parents are sacrificing all their future saving, you dont have the money to go overseas.

NUS. You will have a comfortable life in sg after a few shitty years. Probably even be able to support your rents quite comfortably.
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