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  #2084 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2020, 09:14 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Actually, it also depends on who you are. Example, if you are a scholar, unlikely your promotion will be delayed because of a NPL. (I personally know of a scholar who took NPL yet still got promoted the very year the person returned to service.) On the other hand, I know of normal officers who were told their promotion was delayed due to their NPL. (They were seen as not being able to cope. If they had to take NPL because of personal reasons, higher management feels that they may use the same reasons again next time. So delay promotion.) not very sound but what can we do?
Not SL. But based on what I know as true examples

1) normal teacher, non scholar got promoted to GEO5 during her NPL( take care of ailing parent)
I felt her promotion was Long overdue as she should be a high CEP officer.

2) cep shouldn’t be affected by just one NPL.

3) had colleagues who are KP. Also not promoted to GEO5 despite being KPs. Being a KP doesn’t mean your chance of promotion is increased

4) had a colleague after 2 NPL breaks ( extended after each maternity) . Got promoted to GEO5 after her second NPL. Then became KP.

Promotion is dependent on performance and CEP.

All above examples are non scholars and around the same age range and years in service.( +-3yrs)
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