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  #8582 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2019, 11:09 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
If you have a good past record, you should go for a transfer of service because your past records and CEP gets transferred over. You also get to keep you years in service (get long service award faster, get additional 3 days of leave when you hit 10 years in service). More importantly, at the yearly ranking, HR and your bosses at the new place needs to take into account your previous work experiences and track record when they do your ranking and decide whether to promote you a not.

The only reason you should resign instead of a transfer of service is when you have a very bad record in your previous place (i.e. C-s and Ds or worse kena discipline case; Cs are not cosnidered bad grades in civil service, just normal) OR the new place offers you a huge jump in your salary from your previous place (at least 20% increase).

Note that to do a transfer of service, you need to be in the same generic civil service scheme. (e.g. MX to MX). Specialist schemes like DXO, FSO, IO, GEO, you will need to resign even when you are moving to another part of the civil service. Public services like stat boards are not on the same civil service schemes.

Source: direct experience of doing a transfer of service
Does it mean that Stat board cannot transfer to ministry and vice versa?

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