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  #1608 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2019, 04:18 PM
Posts: n/a

Maybe from degree? I think most farmers would have a generic one. I don't think it is tailored individually for non-scholars.

Anyway, i think the masters point is quite true in civil service - helps in long run progression and development, but not so at the start.

I have a ex-teacher who did a MOE Overseas TS, and he didn't do a masters for his subject because he wanted to 'teach' quickly. Fast forward 7 years, he did a HQ stint and is now a HOD of his department.

Another one of my friends who has a Masters from one of world top unis in his subject, told me that NIE salary was the same as those without - he is a Teaching Local + Overseas PG scholar. I think the Ministry encourage overseas scholars to do a masters so it will help them in their long-term career progression.
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