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  #1601 (permalink)  
Old 05-05-2019, 11:09 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
To add-on, if you do not have a degree from a local uni stated above, then i think it will be really hard. Many years ago, my ex-teacher told that dip-holders do the same stuffs as a degree-holder but gets paid lesser, and I think MOE wants all teacher to have a degree right now right?

I think MOE is one of the ministries with the largest number of scholarship holders because they have the EMS > PSC > MOE TS > MOE TA before they reach a farmer. So they have no shortage of officers to take up leadership position. Perhaps, you may be interested in the specialist or teaching tracks too.

All these play an important role to determine your CEP.
I would think talking to your RO to know your strength and area for improvement. Show your willingness to take on projects to lead at level, and be part of a school based project. Those are traits of a GEO 4 officer.

Have a male colleague got GEO 4 just this year. Entered service in 2013. And he has received some Bs..[/QUOTE]

Maybe I should talk to my RO again during mid year review. Had a pre work review in March and when I questioned, RO said don’t know. Don’t know about CEP and why. Just said some officers take longer and it’s not in the school’s choice. RO said during year end review, everything is good and fine. I finish all I need to do, complete assigned task ahead of time etc etc. Still a C.

Then went for 1 to 1 chat with P as it’s a requirement in my school to see the P once a year for chat. Asked about it and said time factor and I’m just at GEO 3 for like 4 years. Just said C is a good grade. Ask me to just wait patiently. Just said cos I started out with higher salary etc so could be a reason.

Then we see some SH and HOD who was promoted to SEO 1 and only manage to finish teaching 5.5 to 6 chapters out of 16 chapters when students in Sec 3. Sometimes really wonder how these people move up.

Oh well.... sigh... At least I now know my CEP sucks.

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