Originally Posted by Unregistered
I presume you are going to get a degree right at a local university ( NUS, NTU or SMU) or at least NIE BA/BSC because that is important for your CEP.
Anyway, P/VP are usually teaching scholarship posts. Unless you qualify for that, the chances are otherwise slim.
I have known a few VP with PE background, and all PESEB HQ deputy directors are at least VP levels.
To add-on, if you do not have a degree from a local uni stated above, then i think it will be really hard. Many years ago, my ex-teacher told that dip-holders do the same stuffs as a degree-holder but gets paid lesser, and I think
MOE wants all teacher to have a degree right now right?
I think
MOE is one of the ministries with the largest number of scholarship holders because they have the EMS >
MOE TA before they reach a farmer. So they have no shortage of officers to take up leadership position. Perhaps, you may be interested in the specialist or teaching tracks too.
All these play an important role to determine your CEP.