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  #1935 (permalink)  
Old 15-03-2019, 04:01 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The most important distinction that can be made in politics is the friend / enemy distinction. Who is your friend and who is your enemy must be the first principle from which all other stems. Liberalism and the deracinated elite Chinese classes like Pinky have forgotten this simple truth. They think the CECA is a friend, because the elite CECAs he hangs out with are greasy silver tongued opportunists professing friendship. He cannot be more wrong, they are the enemy and their behavior is inimical to towards the Chinese but what makes them dangerous is that they are so good at pretending they aren't, or perhaps more accurately I should say our NUS educated elites are too stupid and naive to realize their blatantly dishonest behavior. The rapelander is a highly evolved socio-economic parasite in his homeland, a so-called nation of a thousand jati-castes practicing highly honed ingroup nepotism developed over the course of thousands of years. It isn't so much that CECA's are inherently evil or even loyal to other CECA's but rather their social traditions place ingroup (caste) loyalty above all other considerations, like for example competence, because their nation consists myriads of competing groups out trying to screw each other and secure status and position for their own. Those who don't play this game well get funneled into the lower castes because higher positions are monopolized by cliques of organized others. The Singaporean Chinese, having lost or given up their clan affiliations are no longer so tribal and thus are unable to coordinate a group response to group aggression by CECA's, so slowly Singapore is being transformed into Rapelande light by CECA's who sneakily privilege their caste kinsmen over the locals slowly over time so we are driven from the higher sectors of the economy and become like lower caste CECAS in rapeland itself. Uber and NS for Sinkie Chinese, Banking and IT industry for CECAS. It's like having a hundred coins being flipped in the air and each head or tails flipped will add another head or tail coin to the game respectively. The CECA is a weighted coin that is 90% chance going to fall on heads so overtime the game becomes almost entirely full of coins landing on heads and thus all CECA.

If the Singapore elite is unable to grasp this simple fact and act to rectify it, then Singapore is finished as a city-state because it is the intellect and labor of the Singaporean Chinese that is responsible for it's past and current prosperity, not the aneh nor the malay. Once capable Chinese are all displaced either to the west or even back to our motherland, the rest will have no one else to parasite off of and all that is left of our little dot on the map is a gradually decaying metropolis populated by groups of mutually parasitic browns fighting each other for scraps as the city gradually crumbles back into SE Asian turd world-dom.
And your point is ?
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