Originally Posted by Unregistered
Are UK non oxbridge universities really that bad? Why do you guys call them degree mills . Their graduates can practice in Singapore all the same too right.
law is prestige driven. even many years into practice, you will be judged at face value based on whether you practice at a "top ranked" firm or not, or whether you come from a "top law school" or not. this is far from unique to singapore. in the UK, if you will be judged just as harshly if studied in a non-russell group/oxbridge law school; in the US, if you're not from the T14 law schools, big law firms will hardly take a second look at you.
truth is, academic ability is only really relevant in a select few areas of practice, eg commercial litigation, or some areas of transaction work, where intellectual brainpower gains you an edge over opponents/competitors.
at the partners' level, law is more of a business. that means being a good lawyer means knowing how to schmooze with clients, network, and sell yourself and your team. EQ is something that academic ability can't help bolster.