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  #3610 (permalink)  
Old 13-10-2018, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Anyway ppl who didn’t go the traditional A level route, getting 7-8 As for A Levels - e.g. those who did the diploma in law at Temasek Poly, or those who messed up A Levels and had to do a foundation in Australia, or those who bailed out of the system early on by going to a UK boarding school after secondary 2 - most end up as lawyers still.
Seen some profile on LinkedIn - they are in international law firms, etc.
so whats the moral of the story? its about other factors in a whole spectrum of factors. grades/academic ability are just one factor out of many.

i would argue that A levels test only a very specific type of academic ability: how to retain a large amount of info for a short time. in other words, test taking ability. some people are just better test takers than others.

personally i thought A levels was pretty easy, didn't push myself pretty hard, wasn't a full AAAA for all H2 subjects (could've done better) and managed to get into NUS law. but im under no illusions that im 100% smarter than those who scored worse than me.

intelligence is something that takes into account a variety of things. there's an intelligence gulf between some really smart ppl and others. you will see it in practice, e.g. in the way some of your colleagues will grasp complicated concepts/cases/facts in 5 minutes when you will take 1 hour to sort-of get it. these are the people that will rise to the top of the legal profession, if they have the passion to remain in it.

and we have not even gotten to the non-intelligence factors, such as connections, charisma, interview skills, sociability and networking skills, sucking-up skills, attractiveness, sleeping-with-boss-to-get ahead skills. all these things play into an individual's career trajectory
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