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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #2230 (permalink)  
Old 26-02-2018, 09:16 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Dear seniors out there,
How was it like when you were doing your training? Did things change for the better/worse after you got qualified?

Training was bad. Lacked mentoring, daily pressure.

It got much worse after I was qualified.

My health and my relationship with my husband suffered, quarreled almost every morning before leaving for work, fallen sexual drive. My marriage almost gotten a divorce.
Pushed back my plans for baby too. That’s just another story. In short, things just got worse and whatever that I earned could not buy me back my youth and time with my husband and a baby we were wanting to have.

I quit practice.

Still, I find myself rather fortunate compared to many of my friends who ended up single and umnmarried in their 30s with a somewhat imbalanced mindset that work is their everything. And they don’t date at all either. They just take out their frustration on the people in their offices. Basically they have no life to speak of and nobody to love them.

No I am not trying to bash my own gender. You can see it for yourself.
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