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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2017, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
But to be frank public farmers max out with a reasonable 5k pay while
Some pte farmers dont even have 5k pay.

So i would say public sector is still a good, risk free farm job from agriculture perspective. Stable, reasonable yield, good bonus, low risk of crop failure, drought (unemployment)

To optimise crop yield
If you are a scholar potential and very capable> pte sector
If you are a scholar and so so> public sector
If you are a farmer and very capable > pte sector
If you are a farmer and not v capable > public sector

The thing is some public farmers after years in public farming decide to switch over to pte farming which is a different field. They dumped their changkol, only to find out they do not know how to use tractor.
Credits to this writer for the very apt and funny description! Love it! It accurately describes the situation of the poster and other like minded individuals in the same soup.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

I assume poster is..
Mid to late 30s, male, breadwinner.
I strongly do not recommend you to switch field. But rather, change your mindset. Look at your current opportunity, can you switch schools? Are there younger, hotter teachers around you, which affects your promotion chances. Are you too old in your industry/dept to go for the next promotion.
Lastly, is the next jump (promo) going to give you more work or allow you to delegate?
If its yes to the above, then cut yourself some slack and cruise in your job. Meaning, eat snake while you can and give tuition outside of your work, sell yourself as am experienced teacher giving tuition at premium rates!
Trust me, parents will lap that up! I would.

Im late 30, pte farmer, with bad school scores history, but due to tenacity and drive, managed to thrive in pte mnc and at 10k monthly now. I am not breadwinner, and my partner earns the same/ similiar mthly rate.

Farmer or not, its about finding the best use of your current resource. Be it time/looks/brains/energy level

Dunno how to use tractor, then continue your changkol, but must be visible farmer and start sideline farming at other high yield crops farm. Always farm for kangkong will only yield you budget lifestyle.
Try farm for blueberries on the side.
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