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Thread: Lawyer Salary
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 27-08-2010, 06:45 PM
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Originally Posted by elitejc View Post
JC student here. What is the average pay of doctor (GP) v average pay of lawyer (small firm partner/inhouse)? Yesh I am money-minded, but pls don't tell me IB 'cause thats all connection (I mean, you don't need 10 As for IB if your daddy is head of Goldman Sachs).
Your daddy doesn't need to be the head of Goldman Sachs for you to get into IB. Richard Li also managed to become an investment banker with just a Stanford computer engineering degree which he later admitted was fake.

Sometimes they also take in some straight As students to give themselves some respectability. You can be one of them.

Anyway you cannot compare an average GP with the average lawyer because GP is the lower-half of the medical profession. You should compare a top GP with an average lawyer.

I don't have the exact figures with me, but gut feel it should be $25k per month versus $15k per month, respectively.
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